Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Wanna scream so loud for you....

I used to never appreciate the little things about life, including all the people around me and what they did for me. The one person that probably experienced my lack of appreciation more than anyone is my mother.  As a strong woman who has fought through thick and thin, she is a constant example to my life, and an amazing guiding figure to have growing up. She is always supportive and her love is so selfless that I truly believe that as long as I am happy, she will be happy and glad for me, no matter what.

I am writing this because we rarely take the time to acknowledge those around us, much less appreciate the things they do for us; especially to appreciate the person that gave birth to you, that held you inside their body for 9 months, and nursed you as a baby. I think bringing someone else to life is a job that takes the most love out of any other. It's amazing how we often times neglect the people we love/love us the most. I hope everyone takes some time out today to say thank you, and to acknowledge the fact that no matter who you are, you have a mother...and in the end, in one way or another, you owe your life to her. 

Thank you for teaching me to dream, and for constantly being behind me in case I fall. 
I love you

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